Heads up, ev’rybody— there’s rather a large icicle about to melt on you, meaning my Carnegie Hall debut must be coming up (Sunday, March 22). You can get tickets for as little as $10, so nobody has an excuse not to come.
I spent last Sunday in Flushing listening to the ACME quartet and NY Youth Symphony play Senior for the first time; with two weeks to go until Carnegie I think we’re in very good shape. The quartet already sounds fantastic— can’t say I’m surprised, what with such illustrious membership. The orchestra members need perhaps a little more time for the music to “settle”. Ryan took my advice and mercilessly cut back the string sections (which are otherwise HUGE) and the piece sounded appropriately buoyant and nimble, really like slightly beefed-up chamber music in some parts.
I’m really excited for what’s sure to be a memorable concert. The orchestra is also playing Carlos Chavez’s Sinfonia India and Brahms 1, both of which I overheard in rehearsal and already sound quite persuasive.