I got better-than-front-row seats to last night’s Lisa Moore/Karen Bentley Pollick concert at Klavierhaus (page turning). The highlight for me was getting to hear them play Sam Adams’s Aves Nostradamus, one of the most maddening and nerve-wracking pieces I’ve ever had the pleasure of working on (back in December). That’s why it was so much fun to sit back and listen to other people go to town. It’s a terrifically exciting and spastic piece which uses lots of extended piano and violin techniques without ever seeming gimmicky or strained (this Fazioli piano took a lot of abuse from Lisa; it looked to be about 13 feet long and I’m told it costs $200,000).
Sam doesn’t have a website or even a MySpace (!) so there’s no way I can point you to a recording; Sam, get yourself a domain. You’ll have to do better than www.samadams.com, though.
NEWS FLASH/UPDATE: Sam actually does have a website.