Anyone checked www.whitehouse.gov lately? Change in the air, for sure. There’s even a blog of sorts! The first thing I noticed, I’ll admit, was the font choice: the more elegant and traditional Hoefler Text has replaced Gotham as the Obama campaign becomes the Obama administration. Gosh, it seems like H&FJ are the official unofficial first typographers! (Also, unrelated, but a funny coincidence: the main headings on this site are set in Gotham and Hoefler Text.)
I remarked to Martin this morning that, of all the historical-ness (histrionics?) of the occasion, the most remarkable thing to me is: this is the first time in my life that the president of my country is someone who I can look up to, in a very real way. In addition to the intelligence and charisma so evident when he first entered my consciousness, Obama seems like an almost impossible good person, in that everything he says and does is derived from a solid, fibrous moral core. And not the pandering, one-sided “morals” the right-wing is so fond of, either, but the real meaning of “morals”: the ability to weigh all the elements of an issue, to see different perspectives all at once, and distinguish not just between “right and wrong” but see the gradations between those poles.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I could really imagine being friends with him.
Also (and I’m really grateful for this level of transparency): the inaugural lunch menu. Mmm, a brace!