Two good things occurring this coming Friday, May 21:
Chris Cerrone’s new album The Arching Path comes out on In A Circle Records. Above, a film we made for the title track with the brilliant fellows at Four/Ten Media. I’m honored to join a cast of real all-stars on the rest of the album: Lindsay Kesselman, Ian Rosenbaum, and Mingzhe Wang (whom longtime readers of this website will remember from his unimpeachable dumpling recipe). Jen Gersten wrote the insightful liner notes, and I designed the bright blue packaging.
Second and more pressingly: I am playing a solo program at Bargemusic that same night at 7; two tickets remain. Invite a friend from whom you’d like to sit some distance, and come hear some Southam, Adams, Schumann, Ellington, Debussy, Rorem, and Andres (Timo—me—the person writing this).