I love eBay—the great thrift store in the sky—and have been pretty active on the site as both a buyer and seller since I was in grad school. Recently David Coggins, one of my favorite writers on “men’s issues” such as what clothes to wear, asked me to write about my eBay watch list for his new website, The Contender. For those unfamiliar, the watch list is a kind of purgatory for auctions you’ve got your eye on but either can’t rationalize or can’t afford. It’s a real window to the soul, in other words.
Monthly Archives: August 2019
EICT ist echt!

Continuing the summer’s flurry of albums, Chris Thompson’s new LP Everything Imaginable Comes True is out. I was happy to design the incredibly fancy and labor-intensive packaging for it. The entire sleeve is letterpress-printed and suitable for framing (you can also order a standalone print of the cover art). Not to mention that it’s an excellent and surprising album featuring many of your favorite new music eminences. If you only know Chris as the virtuosic yet self-effacing percussionist in Alarm Will Sound—then you need to hear his music.
Art & design by me; printed by Middle Press in Brooklyn