Keen observers might’ve noticed that andres.com has a new coat of paint. I’d been meaning to do that for a few years. The last time I designed this site was in 2010, and it was showing its age, appearing comically small on my nice iMac at home, and nearly unreadable on a phone. The new design should scale dynamically for whatever device you’re on. It’s also a bit more tactile than the old one; my hope is that it feels like one of those expensive Leuchtturm music notebooks. Above, a little sketching I did in ink last summer. As always, if you feel something’s not looking as it should, please let me know. These changes always spawn endless kinks to be ironed out.
More excitingly, this redesign includes a store. I’d been meaning to do this for a while, too; now all my music is conveniently available in one place, and that’s right here on this website. Each individual works page has purchase buttons at the bottom which will order you up either a PDF download or a fresh on-demand printed score courtesy of Black Ribbon. Each piece also has score previews, so you can go back and see how poor my engraving was 10 years ago.
I’ve also taken the opportunity to dig through the archives and post more recordings and other odds and ends, as well as scuttle a few things under the rug, where they shall remain. Click around enough and you might just find something interesting.
Though I’m far from skilled as a web designer, I’ve enjoyed the process of building this website immensely—in fact it’s become something of an obsession over the past couple of months. It feels nearly transgressive to be making a personal website in 2018, when so much of the internet seems to be careening towards corporate monoculture. It’s so calming to have a clean, well-lighted place to call one’s own, and to receive visitors. Or you could also make it dark and grimy! The point is, it’s entirely your choice.