I know I’ve been spamming you all about this in every conceivable way, but just in case you haven’t heard:
I’m playing a last-minute show on Saturday, January 28 (this Saturday!) at 92YTribeca at 200 Hudson St. in New York. Opening act is the trio New Morse Code (viola, cello, percussion) at 9 PM; I’ll go on at 10. The core of my set is the US première of a wonderful piece by the young British composer Martin Suckling called Lieder Ohne Worte (Songs Without Words). This will be nestled amongst some “wordless songs” by Schubert (the Impromptu Op. 90 no. 3, Liszt’s transcription of Ständchen) and me (At the River, and Fast Flows the River, for which I’ll be joined by my frequent and longtime collaborator Hannah Collins on cello).
And hey, if it turns out you hate it, you can always sneak next door for the “Beaches sing and cry along”.