Tuesday’s fashion show went unexpectedly smoothly, considering the last-minute nature of it all (there were parts of my score that Tema and I never even got a chance to rehearse!) Unfortunately, some pieces of clothing went missing, so my outfit had to be sacrificed to clothe some models (most of whom, apparently, share my physique). Tema, on the other hand, was all gotten up like some sort of futuristic Siberian space princess; she played icily.
Speaking of which, I’m currently obsessed with dandelion greens, which seem to be in season, rather unaccountably. Gabe introduced them to me at one of his many fantastic dinner parties, and I’ve been experimenting since then; the other day I came up with this Italianate Cæsar Salad trope.

Dandelion Cæsar Salad Tropes
Macerate a couple of salted anchovies with a clove of garlic, some wine vinegar, and good olive oil. Chop up your dandelions into manageable pieces, and dress them; they are heartier than regular salad, and can stand to be dressed in advance. Boil a couple of six-minute eggs, toast up some croutons with salt, pepper, and olive oil. Combine all this with the greens, and add in a cup or so of Borlotti/Cranberry/Roman beans (which you just have sitting around, pre-cooked, of course). I think I also may have put a few leaves of parsley in there? And that’s it! This is one of those salads that can stand as a meal on its own, though I can imagine it pairing well with a roasted fowl of some sort.
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