Every year I go through a cycle of redesigning my website, liking the design a lot, gradually liking it less and less, and then redesigning again. This has pretty much been happening since 2001, so I might as well instate it as an annual tradition. I haven’t kept very good records of the old designs, which is a pity, because some of them were really bad and hilarious. Here is what the home page looked like in 2001:

As you can see, I have gotten over the rounded rectangles thing, but I still like gray.
The 2008 redesign is more of a collection of refinements than a real overhaul. The fonts are different; I decided that Meta was looking too corporate (not that Helvetica isn’t the epitome of corporate, but it can also be a lot of other different things). The page headings are now in Gotham and Hoefler text (hooray H&FJ!). As soon as I started working with Gotham I began to notice it absolutely everywhere, from Obama to Martha Stewart to Banana Republic, so I guess I’m still pretty much a corporate poseur. But it is nonetheless a great font.
Some more changes have taken place behind the scenes, as I’ve switched from GoLive to Dreamweaver. I don’t like either program; Dreamweaver is finicky (though perhaps in fewer respects than GoLive) but I still think GoLive has a better user interface. Dreamweaver feels like a Windows app, with features thrown together in a bunch of palettes (all of which operate in slightly different ways) without much regard to organization or visual hierarchy. The WYSIWYG compositing tools are better and more reliable than Golive’s, though, which is really what counts for me since I don’t know how to program.
I will be making more incremental improvements over the summer. In the meantime, I leave you with this picture, which can be magnified courtesy of Cabel Sasser’s pretty sweet FancyZoom: