As D. points out, today is the last day in January, and there won’t be another one until next year. Well, rabbit rabbit everyone.
I’m sorry updates have been so unsubstantial. Recently my duties as a school-child have been taking up whole days, weeks even. That, and I’m currently in rehearsals for about eight different things, working three jobs, co-producing a concert, writing a piano concerto… I don’t even want to list it all because it will only make me feel feckless. The more things I have going on, the less time I have to write about them (ah, that explains why my blog entries last semester were so dull!).
I think it says something, therefore, that the reason I feel called upon to write is that I taught my Mom to read this, so she is expecting new material. She has become very technologically adept, and can be spotted now and then listening to recorded books on her tiny, tiny iPod.
I am about to step out the door for the first rehearsal of Play it by Ear. Then tomorrow is the first rehearsal of a little piece I wrote for Cameron Arens called Speed Trials. I haven’t rehearsed a new piece since Shy and Mighty got underway last Spring. First rehearsals can be terrifying, but I’m excited about these because they are with groups of friends.
Everyone should come hear New Music New Haven next Thursday, to hear Play it by Ear and a couple of other new pieces by my school chums. I’ll also be playing in Alvin Lucier’s Fideliotrio, in which the cello and viola slide very, very slowly between G sharp and B flat over the course of 12 minutes— twice. (And I play only the A between them.) I guarantee that if you listen closely you will be completely riveted, or else fall asleep, which might not be totally beside the point.